Single chokes with iron powder toroidal cores (0)
PMEC - inductive components NEW
PMEC offers single chokes grouped as follows:
PMEC is a leading manufacturer of inductive components from Chech Republic.
The company offers components based on ferrite, nanocrystalline, sendust, permalloy and iron powder cores of various types, manufactured to top european quality standards.
PMEC holds a market position as one of the biggest, flexiblest and most reliable suppliers in the Czech Republic.Product range includes single and multiple winding chokes, current transfomers and current sensors in open or sealed cases, both for vertical and horizontal assembly, fully compatible and interchangeable with products of top european manufacturers.
PMEC offers also winding of the cores and assembly into the cases and carriers supplied by the customer.
PMEC uses most efficient windowg machines, automatic potting and robotic measurement and marking system.